Truth of Indian Education System
India produce more engineers than the total population of few countries.
Since Independent the republic of India has produced 0 Nobel laureates in science.
The USA has achieved a hundred plus
According Indians is not employable
And when we talk about Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella they have also completed their education from outside of India.
History of Indian Education System
When the Britishers we're ruling in India. There were two major challenges for the east India company.
1. The first was communicated with Indians
2. Second they required workers and clerk
Then Thomas Babington Maculay gave the education Act of 1835 due to which both their purpose were fulfilled.
First they wanted people who sit quietly at their desks and do their work. Who don't ask any questions and they should not be too creative also.
Second communication in English , english
is not the most spoken language yet english has a class instead of a language in idea.
Problem of Indian Education System
Annual Status Of Education Report
That is ASER for their 2018 report parthams staff surveyed more than 5 lakh school children from nearly 600 district's in rural India in these surveys prathams ask student to undertake task to measure their reading and maths skills for example for reading student from grade 1 to grade 8 are asked to read this article line.
Unless you have actually spend a lot of time in school in rural India. Then prathams findings would shack you. They found that nearly 50% of grade 0 student who were asked to read to grade us text.
In fact only 4.4% of kids don't go to a school
so that means that children are going to school they bare just not learning
Now problem with Indian School education can be bucketed into tow categories.
How to teach of kids
How to governance of school
According to the researchers most of the students are below curricular standerds with
the average grade 6 student's 2.5 years behind in maths
20% of the government expenditures is spent only on education
The direct effect of this visible in a lot of things the first is the school infrastructure the kind of school that have been built and the facilities that are present
Another is the student teacher ratio the student teacher ratio is around 25 to 30 that is for 25-30 student there is 1 teacher
in some states like Bihar and uttar Pradesh this figure Crosse 60