Perfect trick unblock Whatsapp block number instantly


Whatsapp Tricks


Your number is blocked by someone and you have to block your number without his mobile then it is possible.  So we have brought perfect trick to unblock Whatsapp block number instantly

After doing this trick, your number will be blocked and the person in front will not even know.  This trick is best and safe to unblock without any third party application or web, so let's start.


1. Friends first of all open whatsapp application on your mobile

2.  Click on the three dots on the top right

3. After that, after a new option opens, click on the option with settings

4. After this your profile will be open

5. Then you must go to the chat and take a backup of your chats.

6. After backing up, click on the account option

7. Then click on delete my account option at the bottom

8. As soon as you click on delete my account there will be a warning show at the top

Deleting your account will.


Delete your account from WhatsApp

Erase your message history

Delete you from all of your Whatsapp group

Delete your payment history and cancel any pending payment

9. If you agree to this warning then you can delete your account

10. If you enter your number and click on delete my account then Apex account will be deleted

11. After deletion, all the people who have blocked you will be unblocked.

12 .  you can start chatting again by creating account in whatsapp

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