What is digital marketing explain with examples full details
Nowadays, on hearing the digital name, mobiles and computers are visible.But you know how big the world of digital is, your thinking is not big but close to it. digital marketing course Such marketing courses are available in the internet, you can download PDF from anywhere.Well there are many such options of digital marketing.
"google digital marketing " Google Digital Marketing is the biggest digital marketing service. "Search engine marketers" It also comes in Google itself and you can grow a lot by marketing it. online advertising It is digital marketing and social media is the best to do online marketing.
Definition - The response to marketing your goods and services through digital means is called digital marketing. Digital marketing is done through the Internet. We can connect to it through internet, computer, mobile phone, laptop, website advertisements or any other applications.
Types of Digital marketing
Email marketing
Marketing means promoting a product or service. This happens in many ways, such as through social media, or through online websites, or through blogs. But it can also be done through email. When we send email to customers to promote a product or service, it is called email marketing. But email marketing means we are not talking about sending email through postal service. Here we are talking about sending email online i.e. electronically.
Social media marketing
If you have a good control in social media then you can also do social media marketing. "display advertising" traditional marketing you can try this marketing in your social media media, you will be able to grow very well.You can do "online marketing" on social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.Social Media Marketing is a type of marketing strategy. Which is a part of Internet Marketing itself. Where to promote any brand or product, different types of content are shared, which include Video, Infographic, Audio, Blog Post etc.
Content marketing
Content marketing is a way in which you By creating content according to your product or memory, you distribute the content.
Content marketing Example
Text content - Text content is one of the best content which grows a lot nowadays people are earning millions from text content only
Text content like blog, articles, mail writing, all these are useful
Audio/video - Audio and Video This is one of the most famous, which is covered everywhere, especially in YouTube and Instagram, both of you can do marketing.
image - Right now both image marketing video marketing is in equal competition and image marketing gives the most earn compared to video marketing.
Affiliate marketing - affiliate Marketing is a very good way of earning from which you can earn a huge amount. All you have to do is that you should have a good number of followers in your social media then you will be eligible for affiliate marketing. Many companies like Amazon are giving marketing plans and people are also earning money.
influencer marketing - Influence marketing has got a lot of growth in a few years, since the trend of short videos has come in social media, since then it is big in the followers of influencers.If you want to do Influence Marketing, then you must have a good number of followers in your social media account.Then you can charge for paid promotion or club money.These days, big brands pay a lot of money for product promotion to the influencers.
There are many other options of digital marketing by which you can do digital marketing. "Google garage digital marketing"
There are many digital marketing agencies through which you can get digital marketing done like SEO digital marketing.
Why need of digital marketing
1. This is a simple and fast way to promote your product.
2. Online marketing is cheaper than offline marketing.
3. Digital marketing gives you better results. 4. This is the best way for your product to reach the target audience.
5. In digital marketing, you get thousands of ways to promote your service and product.
6. Digital marketing increases the branding value of your company.
7. This is a way that you can promote your product globally.
8. With digital marketing, you can market the product and sell it online.