Ø Hello guys welcome to my blog coding master mind and your are so exited with most professional coder and hackers information a best experience this page in your coding skills. So thanks my self TARUN GHRTALHARE your host and writer  lets start….


      Who are currently the best programmers in the wolrd

Ø  Bill Gates (Micro soft)

Ø  James Gosling (Java Creator)

Ø  Richard Strallman (GNU Project Creator)

Ø  Bjarne Stroustrup (C++)

Ø  Tim Berners-Lee (HTML and WWW Inventor)

Ø  Ken Thompson (UNIX CO-Creator)

Ø  Linus  Torvalds (Linux Kernel Creator)



          Who are currently the best Hackers in the wolrd

ü Kevin Mitnick

ü Anonymous

ü Adrian Lamo

ü Albert Gonzalez

ü Matthew Bevan and Richard Pryce

ü Jeanson James Ancheta

ü Michael Calce


Kevin Mitnick A semial figure in American hacking, Kevin Mitnick got his career start as a teen. In 1981, he was charged with stealing computer manuals from Pacific Bell. In 1982, he hacked the North American Defense Command (NORAD), an achievement that inspired the 1983 film War Games. In 1989, he hacked Digital Equipment Corporation's (DEC) network and made copies of their software. Because DEC was a leading computer manufacturer at the time, this act put Mitnick on the map. He was later arrested, convicted and sent to prison. During his conditional release, he hacked Pacific Bell's voicemail systems.

Throughout his hacking career, Mitnick never exploited the access and data he obtained. It's widely believed that he once obtained full control of Pacific Bell's network simply to prove it could be done. A warrant was issued for his arrest for the Pacific Bell incident, but Mitnick fled and lived in hiding for more than two years. When caught, he served time in prison for multiple counts of wire fraud and computer fraud.

Although Mitnick ultimately went white hat, he may be part of the both-hats grey area. According to Wired, in 2014, he launched "Mitnick's Absolute Zero Day Exploit Exchange," which sells unpatched, critical software exploits to the highest bidder


In 1987, the year after Microsoft went public, 31-year-old Gates became the world's youngest billionaire. Gates and Allen started Microsoft—originally called Micro-Soft, for microprocessors and software—in order to produce software for the Altair 8800, an early personal computer.09-Oct-2015
Founders: Gates, Allen
Web browsers: Windows, Windows 95, Internet ...
Operating systems: Windows 95

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